Wellness-By-Design Coaching


Tailored-To-You Wellness

You’d consider yourself pretty savvy when it comes to health.

Meditation-- you’ve tried it and stuck with it for a few weeks.

Fitness classes-- you attend them virtually on a regular basis.

Matcha lattes-- you’ve dabbled in making them at home.

Healthy meal-- you cook them often enough.

And you’ve likely got stacks of books on your nightstand, podcasts on repeat, and your go-to wellness influencers on Instagram.

You feel in the know. But honestly? You don’t feel great.

You wonder… Shouldn’t I feel more energized, happy, and vibrant than this? 

I mean, you’re doing all the “right” things, yet something is missing.

You’d love to be that girl who knows exactly what she needs to thrive-- even when life gets crazy or uncertain or a pandemic hits out of nowhere.

You want to have your toolkit of routines, recipes, and practices to pull from so that you can lean into the stuff that makes you feel GOOD.

Lady, I see you.

In a world that tells you there’s basically a one-size-fits all approach to being healthy, when health is completely personal and unique to every human on the planet…

It’s no wonder things aren’t clicking into place just yet.

The good news is, you’re in the perfect place. Because this is where you get to intentionally create a healthy, sustainable way of eating, moving, being (even dressing!) that is just for your unique body, mind, and life.

And I’m the wellness expert who will guide you on that adventure.

Think of it as a creative project. A treasure hunt. A place to dream and play. And ultimately wind up with your perfect-fit blueprint for wellness.

Something that not only gives you the play-by-play on what to make for breakfast, but also advises on the best kind of fitness routine, mindfulness practices, and fashion choices for you.

Because all of these elements play a role in how happy you feel on the inside.

Together, we’ll help you figure out *exactly* what you need to feel your best, implement what works for YOU so that it actually lasts.

*Here’s how we get started…


The Wellness By Design 90-Day Coaching Method allows us to examine your current lifestyle, see where your pain points lie, and discover how we can find a supportive lifestyle that allows you to feel more ease and less stress. This coaching program will be a deep dive into nutrition and lifestyle, but also finding what brings you overall joy in your life!


We will focus on the foundations of holistic wellness: plant-based nutrition, lifestyle practices (think: self-care, clean beauty, movement, mindfulness, connection), and even feel-good fashion (a personal fave!). If you want to rehaul your current lifestyle, learn about what can nourish your body, and walk away with a wellness toolkit to set you on the right path, this is for YOU.


  • A beautiful welcome gift

  • 6 coaching sessions 

  • Email support between sessions 

  • Wellness By Design “Toolkit” with all of your recommendations (because sometimes we fall off the wagon and need a refresher of what works best for us, right?)

After our work together, you will:

  • Empowered to make informed decisions around your diet.

  • Knowledgeable about plant-based nutrition.

  • Confident in your own personal style.

  • Aware of feel-good fashion and what aligns with you.

  • Excited to execute healthy lifestyle habits and rituals.

  • More joy, alignment, and freedom in what makes you feel your best.

  • Less stress, anxiety and overwhelm.

This is PERFECT for you if…

  • You want to invest in a long-term coaching relationship that holds you accountable & designs your perfect-fit healthy lifestyle.
  • You want support to sustain your lifestyle and commit to it.
  • You prefer in-depth, personalized support to get results.

This is NOT meant for you if...

  • You don’t want a long-term coaching commitment.
  • You prefer to do independent research for your wellness.
  • You want a quick fix.
  • You want help healing a specific condition (But I can point you in the right direction for that!)

Does this feel like a custom fit for you? Book your FREE discovery call!