Hawaii Dreaming Smoothie


Meet the easiest smoothie in the world! No fuss, just fruit and greens. While I love lots of amazing ingredients in my smoothies, sometimes I just want something super simple. That’s why I created this recipe. It’s delish. Oh, and I also can’t stop thinking about how amazing it would be to travel to Hawaii. This recipe transports me there for a moment. I hope you love it and I also hope it gives you a hit of tropical wanderlust too.


1 c. organic frozen kale or spinach

3-4 large organic frozen strawberries

3/4 c. organic frozen pineapple (mango or papaya would also work well!)

1 small/medium organic banana (mine wasn’t frozen but you could chop up a banana and toss it in the freezer beforehand)

A few slices of fresh organic orange

Filtered water (You could do a blend of water and a nut milk to make it even creamier, but for simplicity, I just use water) I use a large magic bullet and fill it up about 3/4 of the way with water. Add your desired amount. Less will make it thicker.


Add all ingredients to a high speed blender/vitamix/magic bullet and serve! Note: This is a large serving that just about fills up a 1L mason jar. Enjoy!

Ingredient Spotlight:

Kale: Dark leafy greens like kale are nutrient-dense and a rich source of chlorophyll, important in off-setting stress by alkalizing the body.Chlorophyll also cleanses and oxygenates the blood. Having more oxygen available in the blood reduces fatigue and enhances endurance. In addition to Chlorophyll, kale is rich in iron, calcium and vitamin A.

Pineapple: This tropical fruit is rich in bromelain, which is made up of a group of sulfur-containing protein-digesting enzymes that not only aid in digestion but can effectively reduce inflammation. It’s an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese, B1, B6, copper, magnesium as well as dietary fiber.

Strawberries: Strawberries have a high flavonoid content, which means that they’re protective against inflammation, cancer and heart disease. They’re also high in vitamins C and K. All types of berries are incredible for our health, so eat upppp!